Formula 1
As Christian used to spend every second Sunday afternoon in front of the TV, Moni also started to watch Formula 1, as she already did as a child with her grandfather. Now we barely miss a race, still fascinated by the power of the cars, the competence of the drivers and the proficiency of the teams.
In '05 we even had the chance to go to Imola and see it in reality! As good swiss people, we favoured Sauber-Petronas, and were deeply sad after the announcement of their joint with BMW. Anyway, thank you Peter Sauber for the good years!
A bit smaller, but anyway very charming was the Bergrennen Rietheim we went to see with Svöbi and Schibli in Summer '04. Many different cars of all style, racing up one after another, then driving down together for a new start of the race. Including accidents, motor breakdowns and other obstacles.