Relaunch of
Dear visitor of It's been a long time (actually 3.5 years!) since we last announced a relaunch of our webpage. The main purpose of the page at this point was to provide friends and family back in Switzerland with news about our life in the US. Later, of course, it was mainly filled with pictures and news about our son Eric.
Now, back in Switzerland for more than one year, the webpage suffers from the Sleeping Beauty syndrome, seeing updates only very very rarely. Obviously this is not appropriate for a page designed in a blog-like style. We therefore decided to re-awake it in a way that one of its most interesting features, the Photo Gallery, is back at the most prominent position. We hope that this will also re-inspire our friends having sections on our gallery to use it more often, so we all can enjoy photos from all over the world again.
We hope you will enjoy our new-old webpage and help us to make it interesting by adding many many pictures!
Moni, Christian, Eric and Wuermchen!
Moving back to Switzerland, settling down again, enjoying holidays in the mountains, and of course a lot about Eric
Archive 2008
Our Wedding in Chapel Hill and in Switzerland, pictures from our Little One, Air Show, farms, trips and parties - what already happened in 2007...
Archive 2007
Beach Holidays, Fishing and Mountain Trips, Monster Truck, Soccer, Texas, California, Halloween and Visits from Switzerland- what we did in 2006...
Archive 2006
2005- the year we moved to the US and started to settle down in North Carolina- but not before having a farewell party and some holidays in Adelboden!
Archive 2005